The Creche department consists of Hibiscus (1-2 year olds) and Pre-nursery (2-3year olds) . with play pens, beds, high chairs, recreational rooms, audio/visual programmes, teaching and leaming materials, picture reading books, story books, toys, puzzles, etc. With Well trained Nannies who are committed to the proper care and development of the children, every effort is made to seek the interest of each child.
The Creche does not go on holidays, except on a short Christmas break each year. This period is used to fumigate the School premises. The academic calendar for the Creche runs quarterly. The four quarters in the calender are:
January to March
April to June
July to September
October to December.
Admission forms are sold ONLY when there is vacancy. Purchase an admission form, complete it and follow the directions on the payment of fees. The required prospectus is made available when an admission form is purchased. After payment of fees, your child may start on an agreed date when the admission form is completed and the fees fully paid for.
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